Adventure Borealis

Adventure Borealis

Accessible natural history excursions
in Interior & Arctic Alaska


Adventure Borealis is committed to providing memorable adventures, ecological education, and natural history exploration excursions in the Alaskan Interior for all people regardless of identity, age, ability, or socio-economic status.

We strongly believe in sharing the wonder and beauty of Alaska with everybody.


Accessible Adventures

Discover Alaska’s Wild Treasures

Join Adventure Borealis on a Natural History excursion. Explore and learn about the landscapes, wildlife, flora, and ecosystems of subarctic and arctic Alaska.

Alaska Wildland Adventures logo
3 Ridges Gear Co. logo
Alaska Wildland Adventures logo

All donations will help to launch Adventure Borealis natural history programming and to support programs focussed on inclusivity and accessibility for members of our community traditionally marginalized in outdoor recreation and adventure spaces.

Nocs Provisions® company logo
logo for Vortex, a binocular company
Traverse Alaska logo